◎不要恐懼埃及革命--長青論壇284◎埃及總統下台日 開羅再爆示威潮◎菊姐拜年 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}◎不要恐懼埃及革命--曹長青 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2IONbzlHRA ◎埃及總統下台日 開羅再爆示威潮 ※資料來源:自由時報【頭 西裝版新聞】 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2011/new/feb/5/today-t3.htm 美促下台 埃及副總統反對 〔編譯:魏國金/綜合四日外電報導〕 四日是埃及反對派要求總統穆巴拉克辭職的「下台日」最後期限, 部落格二十萬民眾四日湧入開羅解放廣場,希望再現百萬示威人潮的盛 況,以加速終結穆巴拉克三十年的統治。此外,美國歐巴馬政府與埃及高層官員已就穆巴拉克立即下台,以及組成軍方支持的看守政府,以預備九月舉行公平大選的 可能性展開會談。 部落格穆巴拉克三日已斷然拒絕立即下台,他在接受美國廣播公司知名女記者艾曼普訪問時強調,他自己也厭煩擔任總統,未來兒子也不 會參選總統,若非擔心國家將陷入混亂,否則他願意立刻下台。穆巴拉克的立場馬上招致反對派領袖艾巴拉迪的抨擊,他聲稱穆巴拉克又顯露出他的獨 房地產裁徵候,以為 自己離開,國家就會垮台。 埃及國防部長坦塔威四日上午偕同一些高級軍官視察解放廣場,而軍人則在廣場入口處檢查入場群眾的身分證與搜身,顯示埃及最有權力的機構批准示威。此外,阿拉伯聯盟秘書長穆沙也抵達廣場,受到熱烈歡迎,他也被視為可能的新總統?酒店打工H選。 同時,示威群眾自行組成人鏈,以進行第二道的安檢,許多群眾帶著新鮮麵包、水、水果與其他補給物品抵達廣場,民眾在數排桌子邊分發茶水與麵包,氣氛輕鬆熱絡,與前一天的血腥大異其趣。 廣場群眾是在週五中午祈禱會後湧現,他們在解放廣場上高喊︰「離開!離開!離開」、「今天是 票貼最後一天!今天是最後一天!」抗爭人士希望再創本月一日百萬人示 威的盛況,當晚穆巴拉克即宣布不參加九月間舉行的總統大選。在第二大城亞歷山卓,示威氣氛則相當緊張,街頭上的坦克與裝甲車也較先前多。 根據埃及財政部長拉德旺指出,示威十天來,已有百萬觀光客離開,重創埃及經濟。法國農業信貸銀行的分析指出, 澎湖民宿示威讓埃及每天損失三億一千萬美元,經濟成長率從五.三%下修為三.七%。 美國官員透露,美方擔憂埃及政府若不針對穆巴拉克立即下台的抗爭訴求採取具體措施,衝突的蔓延恐難以收拾,他說,目前美埃針對數種可能方案展開會談,其中包 括成立軍方支持的看守政府、穆巴拉克立即下台,並讓權給副總統蘇萊曼的臨時政府等。紐約時報報導?吳哥窟A歐巴馬政府是為了爭取埃及軍方的支持,才與埃及高層商討 穆巴拉克的立即下台,美方也要求過度政府需廣泛邀請反對派團體,包括遭禁止的穆斯林兄弟會共同推展九月的大選。 美國副總統拜登三日已致電蘇萊曼,敦促他立即就政權和平轉移展開談判,前一天國務卿希拉蕊也電告蘇萊曼,提出相同呼籲。不過,根據英國廣播公司新聞網報導,美方的提議似乎已經被蘇萊曼拒?部落格插A美方對蘇萊曼與軍方的態度感到訝異,也開始重新思考蘇萊曼是否為合適人選。 至於穆斯林兄弟會四日宣布,已就政權轉移做好談判準備,但他們不會推人參選總統。 ◎菊姐拜年 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9KGQWq8n1Y&feature=player_embedded .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 部落格  .

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          ◎楊淑君是這樣被中國黑掉的!--全程附註字幕影音記錄 st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}◎楊淑君是這樣被中國黑掉的!--全程附註字幕影音記錄 http://www 濾桶.youtube.com/watch?v=klkRONtVGtM&feature=player_embedded jessie1229tw | 西元2010年11月18日 楊淑君被判失格, 褐藻醣膠坐在場中哭了一個小時,體委會主委戴遐齡在現場沒提出嚴正抗議或馬上開國際媒體記者會提出控訴,在台灣的副主委陳顯宗卻說「只好吞下來」;還有?澎湖民宿撽e會官員對媒體說,「電子襪款式不合大會標準的問題,中華隊與選手在賽前就要更嚴謹的去面對比賽規章,大會有既定的服裝規範,選手購買大會指定規格就好,各項小細節 會場佈置-都要嚴肅看待,因此他認為這個事件,選手應該負最大責任」。 電子襪是感應踢中計分用的,每個人都要穿,而楊淑君的襪子是在香港訂做 (腳太小沒size)。 楊淑君腳的尺寸是22.5,而新款?買屋犒q子襪最小的尺寸是23.5。一開始在檢錄組檢查的時候,楊淑君是穿著23.5的新款電子襪,但可能因為尺寸不合 (大了1號),檢錄組告知楊淑君需更換,因為選手會帶兩雙電子襪,所以楊淑君更換為舊款的電子襪,舊款的這家 澎湖民宿公司生產的尺寸,最小是到21.5。所以楊淑君在經由檢錄組測試、簽字後沒問題,可以出賽;接下來,一開始裁判也會檢查雙方的謢具,也會雙方試踢,測試電子儀器是否OK,楊淑君在開始比賽之前都沒有任何的問題。 電子襪護具代理商總 婚禮佈置代理蔡智凱表示,新款電子襪和舊款不同點在,舊款使用黏貼式,新款採用車縫式 (舊式電子襪比賽,4個感應片是用魔鬼沾附著在襪子上,而新式的則是腳心腳背各有2片縫合固定的感應片),但兩者都是世盟所認可,可以互相使用的電子襪。蔡智凱也認為,檢錄組負責對選手 房屋買賣 進行佩備檢查,若有問題應該立刻提出疑問。現在的發現是,中國技術委員趙磊為在現場提出異議的人,由於他的位階高於裁判,可以阻止比賽進行,裁判必需處理他提出的異議。 但是趙磊卻與中國參賽選手吳靜鈺關係匪淺,過去有多次維護她的紀錄,請看以下紅色框框的報導描述。所以裁判 太平洋房屋以電子襪樣式不合規定只是一個藉口,這根本是一場陰謀,中國人民網已定調是楊淑君作弊。 中國技術委員趙磊主導楊淑君被判失格,它們更進一步還要讓楊淑君無法參加奧運。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 西裝  .

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          ◎拜託!台灣人!不要變成下一個西藏!TIBET.mov st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size 找房子 西裝a>:10.0pt;font-family:"Times N 西裝外套ew Roman";}◎拜託!台灣人!不要變成下一個西藏! 永慶房屋TIBET.mov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ygJhc9ZfZA&feature=player_em 代償bedded 2009年12月24日,陪同三位圖博(西藏)朋友,迷了一陣子路才到日月潭圖博朋友放下好不容易 酒店兼職才找到的工作,要向中國來的陳雲林表示:「圖博人要自由、人權,請不要用過去欺騙圖博人的手法,再來欺騙台灣人」。 我們帶 新成屋著雪山獅子旗,和對馬政府承諾「尊重和平表達意見」的信心,來到日月潭但遇到的狀況是:莫名其妙的攔車臨檢、落單的女性同伴被警察欺侮、和平揮舞 室內設計旗幟的手被 抓住統一促進黨的宣傳車掛滿旗幟,卻能帶著污言穢語揚長而去。 馬政府承諾「尊重和平表達意見」是謊言,所以值勤的警察也上行下效的說謊! 圖博朋友嘶啞的喊著 房地產「拜託,台灣人,不要變成下一個西藏!」他們比許多台灣人還憂心。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 找房子  .

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          ◎北市強強滾 呼朋引伴 爭簽ECFA公投連署 ◎請踴躍參與ECFA公投連署 http://www.tsu.org.tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=906&Itemid=2 去年台聯和民進黨共同推動的ECFA公投被馬政府技術干擾,行 景觀設計政院公投審議委員會已正式駁回。台聯堅決要求馬政府和中國簽署的ECFA必須經過公投才能生效,因此,台 聯將新推EC 烤肉FA公投。主文:你是否同意政府與 中國簽訂「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(簡 稱「兩岸經濟協議」或ECFA)?請大家踴躍參與連署、共同發聲! 請點選 禮服圖檔連結或下載公投連署表格,填妥後郵寄至:100台北市紹興北街三號七樓 台灣團結聯盟收,如有疑問敬請來電:02-23940230, 或就近洽詢台聯各地方黨部。 台聯中央 關鍵字排名黨部 地址:台北市100中正區紹興北街3號7樓 電 話:02-2394-0230 傳 真:02-2394-6616 ◎北市強強滾 呼朋引伴 爭簽ECFA公投連署 〔記者陳璟民/台北報導〕 台聯與民進黨二度合推公?設計裝潢諟M定是否簽署ECFA(兩岸經濟合作架構協議),民進黨中央向台聯承諾負責完成五萬份連署書,民進黨北市黨部也展現「首都」黨部的豪氣,決定承擔其中的兩萬份。為達成四月上旬達陣的目標,民進黨北市黨部昨設攤, 西裝外套展開連署行動,並獲得民眾熱烈響應。 民進黨北市黨部昨天在濱江市 場旁設攤,持標語、呼口號、遊街,呼籲民眾支持公投決定是否簽署ECFA,不少民眾當場響應參加連署,也有市民填妥連署資料後,還帶走很多份連署書要請家 人親朋好友填 宜蘭民宿寫。 民進黨市黨部主委黃慶林、黨工幹部、里長及多位市議員擬參選人,昨天在連署現場,一起拿針戳破「ECFA讓利,中國白賊」 氣球,象徵中國所謂對台灣的優惠遲早破滅,國人應認清真相,不要被馬政府與中國聯手給欺騙了。 民進黨市黨部執行長王崇欽說, 烤肉食材提案名稱為: 「您是否同意政府與中國簽訂兩岸經濟合作架構協議(簡稱兩岸經濟協議或ECFA)?」市議員擬參選人許界元、陳德賢、朱政騏、許家蓓、陳正德、童仲彥、高 嘉瑜、陳泰源等均到場聲援。 陳德賢認為,WTO(世界貿易組織)架構下,各國平等互惠,ECFA架構下,中國「讓利」 宜蘭民宿台灣之說,是上國對下 國的心態,是技術面的操作,馬政府如此傾中,讓少數人獲利,是菁英經濟,而非全民經濟。 「美國牛鬥士」朱政騏則表示,馬政府宣稱不會開放中 國勞工登台,但年輕人強烈擔心擋不住。 許界元說,中山、大同是舊社區,不像內湖以及南港有高科技產業,ECFA簽訂實施的話,百姓謀生更不 酒店打工易。  .

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          潮 騷(潮汐聲)--五輪真弓 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}潮 騷(潮汐聲) 太平洋房屋 歌詞: ?? ?? 潮 騷 租房子(潮汐聲) 潮騷/作詞‧作曲:五輪真弓/編曲:Michel 辦公室出租 Bernholc  ??     ??? ?   ???? ? 1誰???? 港?立? 潮 ??聞 賣屋?? (佇立在無人的港邊 聽著浪濤聲) ?        ? ??? 寄????? 身?心? ??????? (身心皆?房屋出租h憊 何處是依靠) ? ?   ??    ?? ?? 見知??空 ??街? (啊!在這城市的街道 陌生的天空) ?? ?     ??? ? 小型辦公室?  ??? 夢?抱????私? 笑??? (海鷗彷彿嘲笑著懷抱夢想的我)  ?? ?? ???           ? 2流?星? ????? ????落??? (流星像淚 關鍵字廣告珠似的滴落)     ??  ????     ??? ? ???遠? 故 ??? 汽笛?呼?? (啊!耳邊傳來汽笛聲 像從遙遠的故鄉呼喚我)         ??    ?? ?? ????? ? G2000?街? (啊!何時歸去 在那街上) ??  ???         ?? 今? 元??????? 伝????? (告訴故鄉的親人 我很好) ??    ?? ?? ????? ??街? (啊!何時歸去 在那街上) ?? ? ?? 關鍵字排名?      ? ??? 土 ? 話 ??? 聞??????? (我將帶許多見聞 傾訴給大家聽) 戀人 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 面膜  .

byvoodlsdfrgjl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          What Jim Hart missed? Not just his own best luck but also his USA best luck.Had I had learned the First Class English (You don't speak first class English <The language matters @@@Then how could my poor English get into first class English ears and/or eyes? Because it is honest and free mind matters, just like good man does not ignore crying baby or dog bark tells@@@ , you have no way to make anyone of your sucking Chinese dialect speaker to understand how precious that Chinese "1.Pond.Sand.Suck" showed free mind that every politician must have to have no matter what political part 部落格y he may belong. That how suck your sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard female dressed animal 蔡英文 so called "Mean.Jean.Down" 主席 showed to brag that sucking "lie of solid" in front of your public eyes {20110427 東森新聞關鍵時刻謎樣蔡英文出線之謎?蔡英文 過去三年,民進黨能夠重新再起,最大的原因就是團結。我擔任主席期間,黨部的主管、同仁完全沒有派系之分,大家一起共同為黨付出,http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=videos&search_query=%E6%9D%B1%E6%A3%AE%E9%97%9C%E9%8D%B5%E6%99%82%E5%88%BB&search_sort=vid 部落格eo_date_uploaded&suggested_categories=28%2C25} ; how could any woman can 團結 with any male who is not her only true love? You don't even be able to be solid with your mom your dad your brother your sister your husband your wife, how could anyone of you can be solid 團結 with your sucking shameless brainless "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" immoral female dressed animal蔡英文 but under her abusive of her sucking 主席 first place; how dare you afford her sucking 團結 your entire government under her sucking first lie. Shame on you sucking shameless 系統傢俱brainless immoral "Sheng.Boot.Rule.4.的" 民進黨> , you have no right to work inside USA [Like Chinese said "Yo.The.B.Yo.10. Yo.10.B.Yo.The", because of my moral value, therefore, I don't speak first class English to make me have to hide inside my own place, that help me become a good "Ann.Yu.10" Chinese woman enable to message you from the Ghost sight.] , not mention to work inside any First Class Company, not mention to have any First Class citizen dare to place his trust to work for you) from Jim Hart, I would have had been that best 長灘島 business owner to have USA government to free every one of you from being taxed. When your government lost the right to tax anyone of you, your enmey within must lose the path and stick to eat anyone of you out; I would have had been that best business owner to have your Court to order your law maker to free all business from being tied hands and feed to hire or fire by your government under any sucking low lower lowest law; and have your Court to order your law maker to free all business from being forced to cut pieces away, you don't want anyone to cut your nat 烤肉ional size, your nation must have no right to fear (Why USA government fear its business grow up bigger than USA? Because any White [because only White Man can really work together solid with hottest goal. That how had I had that biggest business owner, your nation must have to be a tax free place, not if but when. You are good Chinese woman, you must be doing better than White Liberal woman; because good Chinese woman always do "Die.Ren.1.Kwon"; as long as anyone younger than her. less power than her, less force than her, less rich than her, she would be always nice to that anyone; when s 酒店打工he left that anyone behind, must because that anyone lost all good remaining, must deserve to be killed. White man does not know Chinese "Die.Ren.1.Kwon" <That how I did not ever expect or demand my evil boss Danny Lain to do better than me, because you are the boss, you don't hire anyone less good than you to work for you; you are hired, you have no right to be good slave, not mention to be evil slave {That how you must not hire anyone who ever speaking any Chinese dialect, because if you do, you must have no right to blame that anyone of them love money more than any thing else seeing integrity, ethics, 借貸moral, rule, law, care, God, Ghost, Duty, Honor like nothing but do whatever it takes to take advantage of that working place to make more money for that anyone selfish personal gang and/or gain.}. That how boss must have absolute right to fire anyone, not mention to blame anyone, or call anyone hired by him or her.> best invisible integrity, therefore, Jim Hart failed to see that best invisible integrity how I silently nicely going along with the rest of his class female students then.] grouped form can grow up bigger than USA, that group must become a really good Communist to force all liar must have to hide ***That 部落格 how you have to have your HongKong be your head quarter of Republic of China formed with above average Mandarin and English speakers only, so that you can always have a political form good enough to deal in the case when any deeply hiding liar got path and stick to climb high powerful forceful position to show up that lie of crime shamelessly brainlessly immorally in front of public eyes. *** or die not if but when) any business from growing up stronger bigger better to service more workers and customers; when your business owner can have all right to fly high (When every one does not need to be taxed by any form of your government, then, the business owner ca 部落格n have the space to build all business link to make sure all the worker can get a life even that business may lose all customers, so that every one can have the freedom to choose the best available job he or she like to do; so that all evil doer must have no way to rely on kissing ass to climb.) , all worker must have to do his best to find a best boss to work to service to look up, so that that business can be good enough to deserve his life time, so that that business can assure him of his good life time that any man power can do.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 部落格  .

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