          What Jim Hart missed? Not just his own best luck but also his USA best luck.Had I had learned the First Class English (You don't speak first class English <The language matters @@@Then how could my poor English get into first class English ears and/or eyes? Because it is honest and free mind matters, just like good man does not ignore crying baby or dog bark tells@@@ , you have no way to make anyone of your sucking Chinese dialect speaker to understand how precious that Chinese "1.Pond.Sand.Suck" showed free mind that every politician must have to have no matter what political part 部落格y he may belong. That how suck your sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard female dressed animal 蔡英文 so called "Mean.Jean.Down" 主席 showed to brag that sucking "lie of solid" in front of your public eyes {20110427 東森新聞關鍵時刻謎樣蔡英文出線之謎?蔡英文 過去三年,民進黨能夠重新再起,最大的原因就是團結。我擔任主席期間,黨部的主管、同仁完全沒有派系之分,大家一起共同為黨付出, 部落格eo_date_uploaded&suggested_categories=28%2C25} ; how could any woman can 團結 with any male who is not her only true love? You don't even be able to be solid with your mom your dad your brother your sister your husband your wife, how could anyone of you can be solid 團結 with your sucking shameless brainless "Boot.Ann.Yu.10" immoral female dressed animal蔡英文 but under her abusive of her sucking 主席 first place; how dare you afford her sucking 團結 your entire government under her sucking first lie. Shame on you sucking shameless 系統傢俱brainless immoral "Sheng.Boot.Rule.4.的" 民進黨> , you have no right to work inside USA [Like Chinese said "Yo.The.B.Yo.10. Yo.10.B.Yo.The", because of my moral value, therefore, I don't speak first class English to make me have to hide inside my own place, that help me become a good "Ann.Yu.10" Chinese woman enable to message you from the Ghost sight.] , not mention to work inside any First Class Company, not mention to have any First Class citizen dare to place his trust to work for you) from Jim Hart, I would have had been that best 長灘島 business owner to have USA government to free every one of you from being taxed. When your government lost the right to tax anyone of you, your enmey within must lose the path and stick to eat anyone of you out; I would have had been that best business owner to have your Court to order your law maker to free all business from being tied hands and feed to hire or fire by your government under any sucking low lower lowest law; and have your Court to order your law maker to free all business from being forced to cut pieces away, you don't want anyone to cut your nat 烤肉ional size, your nation must have no right to fear (Why USA government fear its business grow up bigger than USA? Because any White [because only White Man can really work together solid with hottest goal. That how had I had that biggest business owner, your nation must have to be a tax free place, not if but when. You are good Chinese woman, you must be doing better than White Liberal woman; because good Chinese woman always do "Die.Ren.1.Kwon"; as long as anyone younger than her. less power than her, less force than her, less rich than her, she would be always nice to that anyone; when s 酒店打工he left that anyone behind, must because that anyone lost all good remaining, must deserve to be killed. White man does not know Chinese "Die.Ren.1.Kwon" <That how I did not ever expect or demand my evil boss Danny Lain to do better than me, because you are the boss, you don't hire anyone less good than you to work for you; you are hired, you have no right to be good slave, not mention to be evil slave {That how you must not hire anyone who ever speaking any Chinese dialect, because if you do, you must have no right to blame that anyone of them love money more than any thing else seeing integrity, ethics, 借貸moral, rule, law, care, God, Ghost, Duty, Honor like nothing but do whatever it takes to take advantage of that working place to make more money for that anyone selfish personal gang and/or gain.}. That how boss must have absolute right to fire anyone, not mention to blame anyone, or call anyone hired by him or her.> best invisible integrity, therefore, Jim Hart failed to see that best invisible integrity how I silently nicely going along with the rest of his class female students then.] grouped form can grow up bigger than USA, that group must become a really good Communist to force all liar must have to hide ***That 部落格 how you have to have your HongKong be your head quarter of Republic of China formed with above average Mandarin and English speakers only, so that you can always have a political form good enough to deal in the case when any deeply hiding liar got path and stick to climb high powerful forceful position to show up that lie of crime shamelessly brainlessly immorally in front of public eyes. *** or die not if but when) any business from growing up stronger bigger better to service more workers and customers; when your business owner can have all right to fly high (When every one does not need to be taxed by any form of your government, then, the business owner ca 部落格n have the space to build all business link to make sure all the worker can get a life even that business may lose all customers, so that every one can have the freedom to choose the best available job he or she like to do; so that all evil doer must have no way to rely on kissing ass to climb.) , all worker must have to do his best to find a best boss to work to service to look up, so that that business can be good enough to deserve his life time, so that that business can assure him of his good life time that any man power can do.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 部落格  .

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